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Aarhus University gets a new professor of biostatistics

The Department of Public Health at Aarhus University has just appointed Erik Parner as professor. He conducts research into the development and use of statistical methods for the analysis of health data.

Erik Parner er blevet ansat som professor på Aarhus Universitet, Institut for Folkesundhed.
Erik Parner er blevet ansat som professor på Aarhus Universitet, Institut for Folkesundhed.

Erik Parner has been appointed professor at Aarhus University. In the professorship he will work to develop statistical and epidemiological methods that will in particular be used to look more closely at the causes of autism, the causes of running injuries and to gather knowledge about the best forms of treatment in general practice. In recent years, one of Erik Parner’s research areas has been new statistical models for the analysis of waiting list data, such as e.g. time to death or time to relapse.

He has also participated in a number of different health science research projects and has broad international research experience.

Since 2009, he has been research director for the Danish section of a major international research project on autism. During this research project, Erik Parner worked on IT systems and analytical strategies that can be used across individual national health registers, thus acquiring greater data volume and increased knowledge of risk factors for autism.

The professorship is a consequence of a longer academic career at Aarhus University, beginning in 1995 when Erik Parner graduated with a Master of Science, before getting his PhD degree two years later. Since then he has been employed as assistant professor and associate professor at the university's former Department of Biostatistics. Erik Parner now primarily teaches coming researchers in the area, though he has previously taught at various health science degree programmes at Aarhus University.

Further information


Professor Erik Parner
Aarhus University, Department of Public Health
Direct tel.: (+45) 8716 7995