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The Danish Research Institute of Translational Neuroscience and the Danish Node of the Nordic EMBL Partnership
Researchers at DANDRITE perform basic and translational research at highest international level in brain an the nervous system.
Through pioneering research focused on brain stress resilience at both the population and cellular levels, alongside the development of cutting-edge…
DANDRITE has appointed 11 new affiliated researchers, all of whom will be part of a new and updated Association Programme. Eight groups are returning…
Valentina Villani have gotten a new position as Research Assistant in Sun lab. She has for the past 4 months been a part of Sun Lab as a Student.
Welcome to Jędrzej Kukułowicz, who has joined Poul Nissen's lab as a visiting PhD student from Jagiellonian University Medical College in Cracow.…
Please give a warm welcome to Mads Rahbæk, who will join Chao Sun's lab the following year. Mads is a dedicated medical student with an academic…
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Initiatives meant to create gender balance in companies tend to become only a project for women. However, men are just as much a part of the solution…
The program for this DCM is as follows below.
Speaker 1: Nanna Brix Finnerup, Professor, the Department of Clinical Medicine
Speaker 2: Kristian…
The lecture is titled "Therapeutic manipulations of phosphatases and kinases controlling protein quality control systems: From the bench, to the…
Night Out is a monthly social gathering hosted at one of Aarhus City best Italian restaurants, AmoRoma.
The speaker from BiRC will be announced later
Introductory webinar on Unconscious Bias – key insights and guide to actions. Reduce unconscious bias and make better decisions.
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