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Researchers at DANDRITE perform basic and translational research at highest international level in brain an the nervous system.
Calls are open! Application deadline: 24 January 2025
Professor Marco Capogna has been awarded 3.5 mio. DKK from Lundbeckfonden & NIH BRAIN Initiative for a research project on the role of GABAergic…
The graduate course “Understanding Neuroscience 2019” has been successfully attended by international speakers, local lecturers and 20 PhD/master…
Associate Professor and DANDRITE affiliated researcher Marina Romero-Ramos have received grants from the Danish Parkinson Foundation…
Prof. Thomas Willnow has been awarded a DKK 50 mio. Novo Nordisk Foundation Laurate grant and will start at Department of Biomedicine on 1 December…
DANDRITE Core Group Leader Poul Henning Jensen and his research group have received a 100000 $ grant from the Michael J Fox Foundation
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