Aarhus University Seal

Congratulations to Hanne Poulsen, who has been awarded a Lundbeck Foundation Experiments grant

- Awards

Assistant professor Joseph Lyons coauthors milestone paper in Nature on lysosome function.

- Research news

Welcome to Baptiste Bertagne who is a new intern i Anne von Philipsborns group

- News from the management

Great symposium on Iceland last week

- Events

Welcome to Abdulkarim Harakow who is new Master student in Mark Denhan's group from september 15th

- News from the management

Muwan Chen prolonged as Assistant Professor

- MarkDenham

Congratulations to Xavier Louis Camille A Warnet who has been appointed Postdoc in Kjærgaard team

- News from the management

Welcome to Petra Kompaníková who is the new intern in Nykjærs team

- AndersNykjær