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Research by PhD Student Rune Nguyen Rasmmusen has resulted in an article in Videnskab.dk entitled: "Synet: Din hjerne skaber den virkelighed, du ser".…
Did you know that you can find videos and presentations online from Danmarks Frie Forskningsfonds (DFF) webinar regarding the foundation's call for…
The Nordic EMBL Partnership congratulates Emmanuelle Charpentier, and collaborator Jennifer A. Doudna, on receiving the Nobel Prize for Chemistry…
The paper by Katherine P. Gill and Mark Denham is entitled: "Optimized Transgene Delivery Using Third‐Generation Lentiviruses." It has been published…
The article, written by Prof. Marco Capogna in collaboration with two well-known experts from New York, is entitled: "The ins and outs of inhibitory…
The team brings together investigators across multiple disciplines, institutions, career stages, and geographies seeking to tackle key knowledge gaps…
The paper by Mette Habekost, Arne Lund Jørgensen, Per Qvist and Mark Denham is entitled "MicroRNAs and Ascl1 facilitate direct conversion of porcine…
In June 2020, Joseph Lyons was appointed one of the Lundbeck Foundation Fellows 2020, and video interviews with the awardees have now been published.…
Cryogenic Electron Microscopy (cryo-EM) has become a truly important technique in molecular cell biology as well as medicine and biotechnology.…
The paper is entitled "Copulation Song in Drosophila: Do Females Sing to Change Male Ejaculate Allocation and Incite Postcopulatory Mate Choice?".
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