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Marco Capogna awarded 2,865,600 DKK from Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond – Independent Research Fund Denmark for a research project on the role of…
This year, DANDRITE and PROMEMO were well represented at the Festival of Research, as several researchers had signed up for the "Book a Scientist"…
Kristyna is new Research Assistant in Nykjær Group per 1 May. She will focus on how sortilin receptor signaling mechanisms are involved in neuronal…
DANEMO is the Danish research support center and communication platform with the mission to increase attention to the numerous opportunities at the…
As of 1 May, Michael Woo will start as PhD Student in Kvitsiani Group. He will use probabilistic models to understand neural circuit mechanisms of…
In a recently established InnoBooster collaboration, PhD student Nanna Møller Jensen from Poul Henning Jensen’s group is collaborating with the…
Collaboration between the Capogna group from AU and the Sørensen group at AUH leads to a discovery on the cellular mechanism of action of dopamine in…
The paper is published in Brain and entitled "Ageing promotes pathological alpha-synuclein propagation and autonomic dysfunction in wild-type rats".…
Nicolas Foutel is new postdoc in Magnus Kjærgaard's team from April 15th, 2021. Nicolas will be working with intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs),…
In this feature, Sara Elfarrash, PhD Student from Jensen Group, sheds a light on the field of her research, her memorable experiences from DANDRITE,…
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