The DANDRITE June Newsletter is out
This month you can read more about becoming a Group Leader at DANDRITE, a new collaboration with AIAS, interview with new- SAB-member, Professor Volker Haucke and much more.

Content of this month:
Join the DANDRITE Team
A new DANDRITE-AIAS collaboration expands the scientific network for new Group Leaders
Interview with new DANDRITE SAB member: “Take a step back if you want to move forward”
The brain’s protein-destruction machine learns new tricks at synapses, revealing a potential target for treating neurological disorders
A new review directs attention to the cerebellum and its direct implication in diseases like autism and schizophrenia
Job post: Postdoc with a strong background in Neuroscience
Upcoming courses and events
New emplyoees at DANDRITE
Blogpost: My time as NAD-fellow at DANDRITE