PhD-student awarded grant from Brain Research Institute
PhD student Nanna Møller Jensen is granted 500.000 Japanese Yen from the Brain Research Institute in Niigata to carry out a project titled "Non-inclusion a-synuclein co-pathology in neurodegenerative diseases".
The project will initially run from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025, where research will be carried out both at Aarhus University and Niigata University. As part of the project, Nanna will visit Dr. Mari Tada and Prof. Akiyoshi Kakita at BRI to exchange knowledge on techniques for staining post-mortem human brain.
The Brain Research Institute in Niigata is well-known for hosting one of the world's largest brain banks - a valuable resource that houses post-mortem brain tissue samples from individuals who had various neurological disorders.
In 2019 DANDRITE and BRI signed a Memorandum of Understanding to promote exchange and cooperation in research between the two institutions.