Open call for a postdoc-position in Sun Lab
Applications are invited for a one-year postdoc position with possibilities for extension in the field of molecular neurobiology based on in situ single-molecule methods.

Group Leader Chao Sun now has an open call for a fully-funded postdoc to become part of his lab.
- You will be studying basic cell-biological mechanisms that regulate the molecular homeostasis at neuronal synapses under the supervision of Dr. Chao Sun at DANDRITE.
- You will use cutting-edge single-molecule-resolution microscopy (DNA PAINT, expansion microscopy etc), live-neuron imaging, and state-of-the-art activity reporters.
- You will have opportunities to collaborate with other DANDRITE expertise in e.g. Parkinson’s Disease and cryogenic electron tomography.
- You will be working primarily with primary rodent neuron cultures and patient-derived brain tissues in collaboration with neurosurgeons at Aarhus University Hospital.
- You will be encouraged and supported to apply for external funding e.g. fellowships
- You will have opportunities to develop grant writing, networking, and scientific communication skills
- You will develop mentoring skills working with PhD/Master’s/Bachelor’s thesis students
- You will be presenting at international conferences
- You will contribute to daily lab management, attend project meetings, department seminars, and institute retreats as part of an international, dynamic team
- Application deadline: 6 September
- Read the full post here
- See all open calls at DANDRITE