Magnus Kjærgaard is awarded prestigious grant
Magnus Kjærgaard is awarded a large grant of DKK 5 mio. by Villum Fonden's Young Investigator Programme 2016, supporting young, talented researchers. The grant will allow Magnus to investigate how the physical association of biomolecules affects signalling pathways. Magnus Kjærgaard is postdoctoral fellow affiliated Group Leader Poul Nissen's group at DANDRITE.

Description of Magnus Kjærgaard’s research project
"Joined at the hip: Quantifying effective concentrations in supra-molecular biological assemblies"
Biological cells are well-organised machines, where every component has to be in the correct position. This organisation arises from binding between proteins in large dynamic complexes. The connection between the proteins affects many biochemical processes, which is currently poorly understood. The project will explore the functional effect of supra-molecular structures in biology by developing methods to measure and predict effective concentrations in protein complexes. The grant will allow recruitment of two postdocs and fund running costs.
The grant will also allow recruitment of two postdocs and fund running costs of the project.
Read more about the Young Investigators 2016 here
Read further about Magnus Kjærgaard's Young Investigator award 2016 here