Dept. of Biomedicine Day and Summer Party 2023
More information will follow.
Info about event
Dept. of Biomedicine
Please mark your calendar for 16 June 2023, where Department Day and the summer party will take place.
The overall topic of the day is The International Work Environment. To plan the best day possible, we need your help, so please sign up as:
- Activity coordinator: We would like to set up different international activities you can sign up for. If you have an idea for an activity for 20-50 people and can take co-responsibility for the activity, please contact Jeannette Madsen, asap.
- Party planning committee member: You will have influence on the food, music, decoration etc. and meet colleagues across the department. Please contact Morten Pless,
Please nominate:
You can now nominate a colleague for the new Colleague of the Year Award. For more information, please see the link. Deadline 3 April 2023: