Aarhus University Seal

FIMM at 15: EMBL in Finland Minisymposium

FIMM warmly welcomes EMBL Director General Edith Heard to Finland and celebrates the occasion with an afternoon minisymposium capturing the unique translational impact that FIMM, EMBL and their partners have made in transforming Nordic science towards an international research hub.

Info about event


Friday 27 May 2022,  at 11:30 - 14:30


Online via Zoom

FIMM warmly welcomes EMBL Director General Edith Heard to Finland and celebrates the occasion with an afternoon minisymposium capturing the unique translational impact that FIMM, EMBL and their partners have made in transforming Nordic science towards an international research hub. 

Please join FIMM showcaseing the science and impact and look forward to future opportunities! No registration necessary. Join in Biomedicum Lecture Hall 1 or online via Zoom.

Join via Zoom: https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/64298110752?pwd=NWpXQnZoN1ViS3hXOTN6cjZKUm92UT09 

Passcode: 797638

Further details are found at FIMM's website: https://www2.helsinki.fi/en/hilife-fimm