Aarhus University Seal

Statistical support to scientists at the Faculty of Natural Sciences

Do you need support with your statistical analysis? The Applied Statistics Laboratory maintains a system for statistical assistance for research groups at the Faculty of Natural Sciences.

The statistical consultations will take place in the first semester of 2023 on the following dates:

• Monday, the 20th of February
• Monday, the 27th of February
• Monday, the 6th of March
• Monday, the 20th of March
• Wednesday, the 12th of April
• Wednesday, the 19th of April
• Wednesday, the 10th of May
• Wednesday, the 24th of May
• Wednesday the 7th of June.

An appointment for each consultation should be made two work days before the consultation by writing an e-mail to Rodrigo Labouriau (rodrigo.labouriau@math.au.dk).
The consultations take place at the aStatLab (building 1535, room 1535-407). The aStatLab supplies coffee and tea during the consultations.