Aarhus University Seal

Biomedicine Seminar featuring 4x Core Presentations

Wednesday, December 4th, at 12:00, we will host a special edition of the Biomedicine Seminar Series, featuring 4x Core Presentations.

Info about event


Wednesday 4 December 2024,  at 12:00 - 13:00




Department of Biomedicine


Charlotte Christie Petersen will update us on new developments in the FACSCore
Anna Lorentzen and Nina Glöckner Burmeister will present new possibilities in the Bioimaging Core
Alexander Schmitz will tell us about the opportunities of flow and imaging mass cytometry in the CyTOF Core
Martin Kristian Thomsen will tell us all we need to know about the brand new Histology Core


The seminar will be held at 12:00-13:00 pm in 1231-424 Lille Anatomisk Auditorium.

Or via Zoom, for those of you who cannot attend in person: https://aarhusuniversity.zoom.us/j/68781717664 

 The talks are 10 minutes each followed by 5 minutes of discussion, for a total of 1 hr.



It is possible to sign-up for a free sandwich if you follow this link: events.au.dk/biomedicinseminar4december2024 


Please note the deadline for sandwich sign-up is Monday December 2nd.