Aarhus University Seal

Mini-symposium hosted by prof. Poul Nissen

Lectures with Prof. Wayne Hendrickson from Columbia University, Prof. Dr. Inga Hänelt from Biocenter Goethe-University and Prof. Michael Palmgren from Copenhagen University. Everyone interested are welcome to attend. No registration is needed.

Info about event


Friday 14 October 2022,  at 10:15 - 12:00


MBG Auditorium, building 1871 room 120

Speakers & seminar titles:

  • 10:15-10:45: Prof. Prof. Wayne Hendrickson (Columbia University) on “Allosteric Control of Hsp70 Protein Folding Activity”
  • Short break
  • 11:00-11:30: Prof. Dr. Inga Hänelt (University of Frankfurt) on “Potassium transporters and channels in bacterial survival”
  • 11:30-12:00: Prof. Michael Palmgren (University of Copenhagen) on ”Evolution of Na+/K+- and plasma membrane H+-ATPases – which pump came first? (and where did P4 ATPases come from?)”