Aarhus University Seal

4th Danish Single-Cell Symposium: Technology Towards Cell Biology and Medicine

Announcing 2024 yearly meeting, organized jointly by CellX and the danish single-cell network. Save the dates!

Info about event


Thursday 2 May 2024, at 08:00 - Friday 3 May 2024, at 18:00

The fourth meeting of the Danish Single-Cell community takes place at the University of Southern Denmark. It is a two-day event with an exciting program with sessions on topics including biotechnology and single-cell wet-lab applications, computational approaches to cell biology and medicine, bioimaging and single-cell applications, and single-cell proteomics. There will plenty of opportunities to present your work at the poster session, network with colleagues and collaborators, and talk to exhibitors.

We are proud to present our list of invited distinguished international speakers including:

  • Smita Krishnaswamy
    Yale University, US
  • Sean Bendall
    Stanford University, US
  • Simone Picelli
    IOB, Switzerland
  • Ralf Jungmann
    LMU Munich, Germany
  • Kiavash Movahedi
    Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium
  • Maria Colome
    Helmholtz Munich, Germany
  • Ton Rabelink
    Leiden University, Netherlands
  • Carolina Wählby
    Uppsala University, Sweden

For more info on registration and abstract submission, please visit our event website.