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Researchers at DANDRITE perform basic and translational research at highest international level in brain an the nervous system.
Welcome to Anna Udvari as new project student in Poul Nissen's group, where she will be working with postdoc João Ramos. Anna will be studying the…
Through pioneering research focused on brain stress resilience at both the population and cellular levels, alongside the development of cutting-edge…
DANDRITE has appointed 11 new affiliated researchers, all of whom will be part of a new and updated Association Programme. Eight groups are returning…
Valentina Villani have gotten a new position as Research Assistant in Sun lab. She has for the past 4 months been a part of Sun Lab as a Student.
Welcome to Jędrzej Kukułowicz, who has joined Poul Nissen's lab as a visiting PhD student from Jagiellonian University Medical College in Cracow.…
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