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Researchers at DANDRITE perform basic and translational research at highest international level in brain an the nervous system.
Calls are open! Application deadline: 24 January 2025
A new publication from the Vægter lab with former PhD student from the lab, Sara Jager, as first author unravels how injury of peripheral nerves…
The new study, published this week in Nature Communications, was led by the neural circuitry team at DANDRITE. The researchers’ findings are important…
Helene has received a Novo Nordisk scholarship to complete her thesis work. She will be studying the pathogenic responses to alpha-synuclein…
Sigrid will continue her work on Plasma Membrane Calcium ATPases (PMCA) trying to understand their regulatory mechanisms.
Alicia Espiña is new intern in Poul Nissen’s research group, where she is working with Antoni Kowalski on reconstitution and biochemical…
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