Aarhus University Seal

Meeting for Administrators, Training and Communication Coordinators of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine

The DANDRITE Administration Support Team will host a meeting in Aarhus for the administrators, as well as training and communication coordinators, from the nodes of the Nordic EMBL Partnership. We will gather the admin personel from both NCMM, MIMS, FIMM, and DANDRITE, together with representatives from EMBL; Plamena Markova, Head of Government and EU Relations, Agata Pernus, Project Officer, Gov. and EU Relations, and not the least Annabel Darby, our Nordic EMBL Partnership Communications Officer.

Info about event


Thursday 21 June 2018,  at 08:30 - 14:00


Sky Lounge, building 1520, 7th floor, Aarhus University


The Danish Research Institute of Translational Neuroscience (DANDRITE)