Aarhus Universitets segl

Welcome to new members of DANDRITE's Scientific Advisory Board

Dr. Cornelius Gross, Interim Head of EMBL Rome, and Prof. Anthony Zador from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, are new members of DANDRITE's Scientific Advisory Board for the next five years.

Dr. Cornelius Gross and Prof. Anthony Zador.

Dr. Cornelius Gross is Group Leader and Interim Head of EMBL Rome. His research group uses pharmacological, histochemical, electrophysiological, and behavioural genetic approaches to study the neural circuits underlying instinctive behaviour in mice. They are interested in understanding, at a molecular and circuit level, the neural control of instinctive fear-related behaviour. The goal of their research is to form novel hypotheses about how human instinctive behaviour is controlled, which could form the basis for clinical research to develop improved diagnostic and therapeutic tools for mental illness. 

Prof. Anthony Zador is Group Leader at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, where his research group studies how circuitry in the brain gives rise to complex behaviors, one of nature’s great mysteries. They study how the auditory cortex processes sound, and how this is interrupted in autism. They also seek to obtain a wiring diagram of the mouse brain at the resolution of individual neurons. Their unusual approach exploits cheap and rapid “next-gen” gene sequencing technology.

We are looking forward to the collaboration!

The DANDRITE Scientific Advisory Board is consisting of 8 members. 
You can find an overview of the Scientific Advisory Board members here.