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Three new students at Sâmia Joca's lab

For the next few months Maria Luzia Novelli, Pharmacy Student, Federica Debernardis, Master Student and Lucia Egea Villar, Master Student will be working with Sâmia Joca's group. Give them a warm welcome!!

Private photos of Maria Luiza Novelli, Federica Debernardis, and Lucia Egea Villar
Private photos of Maria Luiza Novelli (left), Federica Debernardis (middel), and Lucia Egea Villar (right)

Maria Luiza Novelli is a 4th year Pharmacy Student from the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil. Maria Luiza comes as part of an academic exchange program between USP and AU-Health to develop a research project in my lab during 6 months. In her project, she will collaborate in our research project that explores neural circuits encoding memory and depressive-like behaviors in rodent models.

Lucia Egea Villar is an Erasmus Master Student from UNIVERSITAT DE LLEIDA in Spain. She will stay in our group for 5 months and will work in a research project aimed at understanding the metabolic side-eefcts of antipsychotic drugs.  

Federica Debernardis is an Exchange Master student from University of Trento in Italy, with Erasmus scholarship. She will be working with Sâmia's group until July. Federica's project is entitled "Involvement of BDNF-TrkB signalling in cannabidiol induced effects"