Aarhus Universitets segl

The brain prize online seminar series – Migraine and headache

In connection with Jes Olesen, Lars Edvinsson, Peter Goadsby and Michael Moskowitz winning the Brain Prize 2012 for their work on the causes and treatment of migraine, Lundbeckfonden and World Wide Neuro are presenting the The Brain Prize seminar series on migraine and headache.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Torsdag 28. oktober 2021,  kl. 16:00 - 17:00



The Brain Prize seminar series on migraine and headache consists of 12 seminars from international leaders in the field including the 2021 Brain Prize winners. 

In October there will be yet another seminar:

Daniela Pietrobon – Migraine: a disorder of excitatory-inhibitory balance in multiple brain networks? Insights from genetic mouse models of the disease. 

Read more about the seminars and sign up here