Aarhus Universitets segl

PhD Well-being conference

AUPA invites all PhD. students to join the 1-day PhD Well-being conference the 31st of January in Søauditorierne from 12-17. The conference will consist of international key note speaker Prof. Dr. Sonja Rohrmann from Goethe University on the Imposter Syndrome, and key note speaker Malene Hein, COO of ”Play Your Talent”, focusing on boosting workjoy and reducing stress via pinpointing the users capabilities and utilizing them. Deadline for registration is 19th of January.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Fredag 31. januar 2020,  kl. 12:00 - 17:00


Lakeside Lecture Theatres (Søauditorierne), Bartholins Allé 3, bldg. 1250, 8000 Aarhus C

AUPA invites all PhD. students to join the 1-day PhD Well-being conference the 31st of January in Søauditorierne from 12-17. The conference will consist of international key note speaker Prof. Dr. Sonja Rohrmann from Goethe University on the Imposter Syndrome, and key note speaker Malene Hein, COO of ”Play Your Talent”, focusing on boosting workjoy and reducing stress via pinpointing the users capabilities and utilizing them.

The conference also includes workshops after each key note, with possible attendance of one in each block:


"The Impostor Phenomenon - Stack low, but fly high" Keynote speech I by Dr. Sonja Rohrmann, Goethe University

  • In our western achievement-oriented society, success plays an important role. Achieving socially recognized goals usually makes people satisfied and increases their self-confidence. However, there are people who not only cannot enjoy their successes, but who suffer from them. This speech explains why people sometimes doubt themselves despite their great achievements, what consequences follow from this, and what can be done to increase well-being. 


Workshop Block I  

“The balance between dedication and strain of work” by psychologist Sanne Schou

  • The workshop provides information on factors that promote well-being and gives input to what you can do to stay motivated and reduce stress in your everyday life. How can you prioritize time and your personal resources in order to maintain a good work-life balance? 

“Fog and darkness in the PhD journey – a workshop on hope and thriving!” by Associate Professor Søren Smedegaard Bengtsen, Aarhus University

  • In a time, where policy agendas and institutional initiatives focus on PhD students being competent, robust, agentive, and rational in their research journeys, the spaces for uncertainty, doubt, and confusion diminish. This is unfortunate, when PhD students expect of themselves to steer their research process in a linear and controlled way, when the creativity in original research often calls for non-linear and sometimes chaotic journeys. The workshop focuses on the importance of embracing, and even harnessing, dark learning spaces and how to be able find renewed research momentum, when sharing these experiences with supervisors and peers.


“Personal leadership - the key to sustainable success” Keynote speech II by Malene Hein, COO, Play Your Talent

  • We all got talent, but studies show that we only manage to utilize 17% of out talent potential. This is one of the reasons why so many feel stressed and demotivated. Therefore, you need to strengthen your personal leadership by putting your talents in play, switch off your autopilot and make sustainable habits. Success is not something we get, it is something we create ourselves. 


Workshop Block II

“Put your talents in play” by Malene Hein, COO, Play Your Talent

  • Do you know your top 10 talents? If not, Play Your Talent will help you to discover and cultivate your talents by making a map of those talents that give you energy and those that drain you. When we are aware of our talents, we can select our tasks smarter, work more effectively and increase our motivation by 30%. This will make you the best version of yourself and increase your wellbeing.


“The Elements of Self-Leadership” by Matt Lane, The Research Developement Partnership

  • Meta-analysis of the literature on leadership suggests that it can be understood as comprising four elements.  This practical and interactive, short session gives an overview of the elements before exploring ways to apply them to take control of your research.

The event is free of charge, and includes lunch, refreshments and light snacks after the program is finished.