Aarhus Universitets segl

New publication from Olav Andersen's lab

The article is entitled: "Expression of an alternatively spliced variant of SORL1 in neuronal dendrites is decreased in patients with Alzheimer’s disease." You can find more information and a link to the publication here.

Image of Figur 1 in the article.


The publication reports on the first characterization of a human specific splicing variant of SORL1. We show that the novel transcript is significantly downregulated in the cerebellum of Alzheimer’s disease patients and that is mainly localized in dendritic terminals. In contrast, unchanged expression in AD cerebellum and somatic localization in Purkinje neurons were described for the main SORL1 transcript. These findings suggest that alternative splicing directs the expression of SORLA isoforms that can exert different functions in the human brain.

The article is made by Giulia Monti as first author, Mads Fuglsang Kjølby as second author and Olav Andersen as last author. The article was also made in collaboration with Christian Vægter and Anders Nykjær. The article has been published in Acta Neuropathologica Communications.

You can read the article here