Neuroscience Day 2021 - "Flowing Neuroscience"
Neuroscience Day 2021 will take place on 6 May and will be held in the virtual conference space. This year's focus will be "Vascularization and flow in the CNS".
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On Thursday 6 May, NeuroCampus Aarhus is hosting Neuroscience Day 2021 – “Flowing Neuroscience” in the web-conferencing space
The event is open to all students, researchers, clinicians, therapists, caregivers, foundations and organizations interested in neuroscience.
Neuroscience Day is an annual event where more than 400 neuroscientists and clinicians from Aarhus University, Aarhus University Hospital, RegionMidt, invited speakers, as well as professional organizations and foundations meet to present and discuss research and potential collaboration across disciplines, faculties and organizations.
This year’s focus will be “Vascularization and flow in the CNS”. The talks will give perspectives on the crucial importance of adequate vascularization and flow in the CNS. Changes in perfusion – from molecular to macroscopic levels - result in a large number of diseases.
Keynote speaker is the 2019 Brain Prize Winner Professor Anne Joutel from INSERM, Paris.
You will find the updated program on our website:
NeuroCampus Aarhus welcomes participants and abstracts from ALL AREAS related to neuroscience.
Registration and abstract submission:
Abstract submission deadline: Monday 5 April 2021
Registration deadline: Tuesday 27 April 2021
Registration and abstract submission link:
Abstract submission
During the registration process in the link above, you will be able to submit your abstract for
- A virtual poster (See attached file for details)
- An oral presentation (10 min. presentation and 5 min. discussion)
Shortly after the submission deadline, The NeuroCampus Aarhus Steering Committee will select the posters for the poster session and the four oral presentations for session 4.
The NeuroScience Day 2021 will be held in the virtual conference space. You will be able to walk around the conference facilities and meet speakers, poster presenters, colleagues, collaborators and sponsors by using the keyboard arrows to move your avatar around.
A specific Neuroscience Day 2021 space will be created in
All registered attendees will be updated on this virtual space but you may already now take a look into a demo of this virtual world:
Demo of poster room:
We are looking forward to welcoming you to an interesting and inspiring day.