Aarhus Universitets segl

Morten Albæk visits Biomedicine 5 October

Well-being initiative – Morten Albæk visits Biomedicine 5 October 14:00 – 14:30. You can read more about his visit here.

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Tirsdag 5. oktober 2021,  kl. 14:00 - 14:30


1232-115 (Store Ana)

The modern division of time into working time, leisure or quality time is a semantic mirage - there is just time and it passes quickly. But how do we actually spend our time? With those we love? But then, why do we agree to spend so much of our short-lived time on people and activities we do not love? It is an absurdity that Morten Albæk, with the starting point in his function as a business leader and philosopher, deconstructs to make room for a new and more meaningful way of guiding oneself and other people through life in a time that is full of digitalization, globalization, disruption and growth.

Please sign up here: https://events.au.dk/eventmortenalbaek/signup