Aarhus Universitets segl

Marco Capogna has been awarded a grant from Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond – Independent Research Fund Denmark

Marco Capogna awarded 2,865,600 DKK from Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond – Independent Research Fund Denmark for a research project on the role of GABAergic neuron types on a genetic schizophrenia rodent model.

Pair of neurons reconstructed by Capogna’s lab – a non-classical GABArgic neuron, neurogliaform cell (soma and dendrite, red; axon, green) contacts a pyramidal neuron (soma and dendrite, black).

Marco Capogna will receive the grant over a 3 year period for a project dedicated to discover the role of non-classical GABAergic neurons of rodent cortex on schizophrenia. The project includes the use of optogenetics and electrophysiology and also transcriptomics in collaboration with the group of Konstantin Khodosevich  at the Biotech Research & Innovation Centre of Copenhagen University (https://www.bric.ku.dk/research-groups/Research/khodosevich-group/) in a genetic mouse model of schizophrenia (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2018.07.004). The project may assign a novel role of non-classical GABAergic neurons as cellular targets to ameliorate schizophrenia positive symptoms.