Aarhus Universitets segl

Invitation for the Employment at AU Intro Webinar

Are you a new staff member at Aarhus University? Do you have questions to your employment, pension schemes or tax schemes? Then this webinar is for you.

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Tirsdag 22. juni 2021,  kl. 09:00 - 10:00


Online via Zoom

Dear new staff member at Aarhus University,

We hereby invite you to our Employment at AU Intro Webinar on Tuesday 22 June at 9.00-10.00. The webinar is for all new international staff members including PhD students (employed) and will cover topics related to your employment:  

  • Salary and payslip
  • Tax schemes
  • Pension schemes
  • Holiday rules
  • Maternity, paternity and parental leave

You need to register for the event to join. 

Check out the webinar here

Register for the Employment Webinar

Read more about the Employment at AU Intro Webinar