Festival of Research 2020 has gone virtuel
UPDATE: ONLINE PRESENTATIONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE. Aarhus University will be opening its doors to the Festival of Research at Campus Aarhus, and the theme is FASCINATING RESEARCH. The event will take place in and around ”Stakladen” at Aarhus University, Fredrik Nielsens Vej 2, 8000 Aarhus C. Researchers and students from DANDRITE will also be showing some of our fascinating research and methods used in studies of the brain and nervous system. The target audience of the Festival of Research is the general Danish public, everybody is welcome, and the entrance is free. Further information will be announced.
Oplysninger om arrangementet
Stakladen, Aarhus University, Fredrik Nielsens Vej 2, 8000 Aarhus C

Update: Online presentations are now available at the Aarhus University YouTube channel.
Stakladen and the surrounding lecture rooms to a fun and exciting exploration site for research presentations from Aarhus University. In the lecture rooms close to Stakladen you can experience a wide range of speed lectures during the whole afternoon, and in Stakladen you can have an up-close meeting with the researchers, experience exhibitions and participate in workshops and tests. If you need a break from all the impressions, you can take a rest in the cafeteria.
Also, the Festival of Research provides the opportunity for people to "Book a Scientist".
Several members of DANDRITE will be available to book via this Book a Scientist program - details to be announced.
Find more information about The Festival of Research here: