Aarhus Universitets segl

EATRIS-Plus Summer School in Personalised Medicine

The EATRIS-Plus Summer School Organising Team is pleased to announce that the first EATRIS-Plus Summer School in Personalised Medicine will take place virtually on June 14-18, 2021.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


mandag 14. juni 2021, kl. 10:00 - fredag 18. juni 2021, kl. 13:00



The summer school curriculum is designed to address a wide array of topics from omic-based strategies and structural pillars of personalised medicine to biomarkers, pre-clinical models, clinical trials and regulatory aspects, as well as health economics, reimbursement strategies, and patient engagement.

  • fully virtual, daily sessions between 10.00 -13.00 CET
  • free of charge
  • up to 40 participants will be accepted

For full programme and application please see here. 

The Summer School is held within the framework of EATRIS-Plus Project, that is a 4-year H2020 funded flagship initiative in personalised medicine, coordinated by EATRIS ERIC. EATRIS-Plus Summer School is organised by project partners INFARMED – EATRIS Portugal, in collaboration with University of Ljubljana – EATRIS Slovenia.