Aarhus Universitets segl

Accessible Bioinformatics Café (ABC)

On behalf of the Health Data Science Sandbox and Core Bioinformatics Facility, we are pleased to announce the second Accessible Bioinformatics Café. ABC.2 will take place Thursday 27 June, at 13 in the hall of AIAS (the AU institute for advanced studies).

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Torsdag 27. juni 2024,  kl. 13:00 - 16:00


The hall of AIAS


Department of Biomed

The program for the day is:

  • What’s new
  • An accessible topic in 15 minutes
  • News from the audience?
  • Tutorials or/and free coding, ~1.5-2 hours

Every ABC comes with increasingly advanced tutorials. This time we propose:

  • managing a dplyr project using RStudio
  • Intro to anaconda and python basics

Do you care about having enough cake to eat and coffee/tea to drink? Then just click here to signup (no hassle, no forms, just a click!). Don’t cheat with many clicks to get extra cake ;)


Keep an eye on https://abc.au.dk where we will document each session (code, slides) and announce the ABC's calendar.