Aarhus Universitets segl

DANDRITE November Newsletter is out

A new postdoc-programme, nomination and several new publications are among the November news from DANDRITE.

Content of this month:

  • Nordic EMBL Partnership awarded NOK 20M to launch new collaborative postdoc program in Molecular Medicine
  • Poul Nissen appointed as the new Danish delegate
    to the EMBL governing body

  • Nykjær Lab: Uncovering a new mechanism that helps motor neurons to develop and regenerate
  • Romero-Ramos Lab: A new review uncovers the connection between the Immune System and PD
  • Philipsborn Lab: Discovery of key neural mechanisms in fruit fly mating behavior

  • Shaping European Neuroscience as a new FKNE Scholar
    - the first FKNE meeting through the lens of a newcomer
  • Professor Jerry Chen visits DANDRITE

  • Ph.D. position in Parkinson's disease modeling in human neurons
  • New people in DANDRITE
  • Courses and events
  • Read the full newsletter