Aarhus Universitets segl

A fully funded PhD position available in Jensen Lab

The Jensen group is seeking a highly motivated and ambitious PhD student to join us at DANDRITE and the Department of Biomedicine.

The PhD position is a 3-year full-time and fully funded PhD contract according to the Terms of employment at Aarhus University.

The successful candidate will join an exciting project that is part of a newly started 5-year collaborative program focusing on deciphering the temporo-spatial re-sponses in neurons to the gradual accumulation of a-synuclein aggregates. 

Specifically, the Ph. D. project will focus on characterizing the progressive responses that occur when alpha-synuclein initially starts to aggregate in nerve terminals and slowly progress through the axon to the cell body with the aim of identifying testa-ble molecular drivers. 

The application deadline is 15 November.