Aarhus Universitets segl

1st Umeå Interdisciplinary Symposium on Hypoxic Biology

The Nordic EMBL Partnership is welcome to join the 1st Umeå Interdisciplinary Symposium on Hypoxic Biology! You can find much more information about the program, registration, and UHRF (Umeå Hypoxia Research Facility) here.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Tirsdag 25. maj 2021,  kl. 08:45 - 16:45


Online via Zoom


UHRF (Umeå Hypoxia Research Facility)

The concentration of oxygen is one of the most important variables in many physiological and pathological processes. Do you care about oxygen levels in your experiments? Probably you should, and now you can at UHRF (Umeå Hypoxia Research Facility).

UHRF is a new facility created to support research projects that require controlled oxygen conditions. We are cofinanced by the Kempe Foundation and the Umeå Center for Microbial Research (UCMR) and you can find us at the Department of Molecular Biology.    

To introduce UHRF, they have organized an exciting virtual symposium to highlight the fundamental role of hypoxia in microbial ecology and infection, fungal biology, plant science, cancer, neurobiology and virology research. This first interdisciplinary symposium on hypoxic biology in Umeå is a joint initiative of UHRF (https://www.umu.se/en/uhrf) and UCMR (https://www.ucmr.umu.se/).

The invited speakers include: Michael Jetten (Microbial ecology; Radboud University, The Netherlands), Emilio Bueno (Infection biology; University of Umeå, Sweden), Francesco Licausi (Plant biology; University of Oxford, UK), Emily Flashman (Plant biology; University of Oxford, UK)  Jonathan Gilthorpe (Neurobiology; University of Umeå, Sweden), Randall Johnson (Tumor biology; Karolinska institutet, Sweden), Jane McKeating (Virology; University of Oxford, UK), Robert A. Cramer (Fungal biology; Geisel School of Medicine, USA), Constantin Urban (Fungal biology; University of Umeå, Sweden), Björn Schröder (Gut microbiome; University of Umeå, Sweden), Andreas Baumler (Gut microbiome; UCDAVIS, USA).

Program: https://www.umu.se/globalassets/centralwebb/forskningswebb/infrastruktur/uhrf/uhrf-symposium-programme-1.pdf

Register now!: https://www.umu.se/en/research/infrastructure/umea-hypoxic-research-facility/uhrf-courses-and-events/

For questions contact: emilio.bueno@umu.sefelipe.cava@umu.se.